Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Trademark searching tip

Here's a tip for limiting trademark searches to only trademarks that are classified in the "jewelry" category of goods and services. Start by selecting the "Structured Search" option from the main Trademark page. Start at http://www.uspto.gov/, select "Trademarks", "Search TM database" and then "Structured Search".

In my example, I was searching for the trademark "FCA", so I put that in the first part - leave the field as "All", then make sure that you have the "AND" option selected. The fill in the word "jewelry" in the second line with "Goods and Services" selected for the Field name. This limits your search results to trademarks that have your search term (in this case for me, FCA), and that fall into the category of jewelry.

(click the graphic below to see the full graphic if the right side is cut off on your screen - I didn't want to make is too small to read so I didn't shrink it to fit)

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