Saturday, March 21, 2009

Grading simulated pearls. Richelieu 1924

Richelieu simulated pearls manufactured originally by the Joseph H Meyer Bros company were sold in different quality levels. Apparently the level was sometimes marked on the item. So far, I have found descriptions of 7 levels, "XXX", "A", "B", "C", "PO", "M" and "XL". The prices for the first six levels started at XXX as the highest, M as the lowest. I have not found info on prices for the XL level.

Each level is also described as being "perfect reproductions" of pearls from different parts of the world. For example, XXX grade pearls, sold for $50 to $300 (in 1924!) are described as "prefect reproductions of genuine Red Sea Pearls that cost from $5,000 to $200,000.

I have seen some info that I haven't pinned down yet, that some levels had clasps with diamonds, 14k gold, silver, etc. I'm guessing that this went along with the different grade levels.

If you'd like more info, and to see two ads from 1924 which describe the levels, I've created a page on the main JPP site with some of what I'm learning about Joseph H Meyer and Richelieu: here

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